February 22, 2025 Service day with Bedstart

We had a wonderful service day with Bedstart! 17 choir members and spouses served our neighbors, picking up and delivering furniture on a Bedstart crew, as well as working on various projects at The Wheelhouse. Thanks so much to all who served!

(Picture provided by Kristina Stacey.)

Starting March 12th, rehearsals will start at 7:00pm with sectionals.

This change will be through Easter. Please try to come earlier if you can. Thanks!


Congratulations to our very own Tim Morrison!

On February 25, 2025, he was awarded with the “Soli Deo Gloria” (“To God Be the Glory”) award by the Perkins School of Theology at SMU. This award is given to alumni for “outstanding contributions to sacred music” and is only given out every 5 years.


(pictures by Tracy P. – taken on February 26, 2025 at choir rehearsal)



Some fun Tim Stats (as of Feb. 25, 2025):
  • Tim has gone on tours for 39 years – since 1986 – including this summer!
  • He has gone on 99 tours!!
  • He has taken over 5,000 people on the tours, consisting of 1500 people!

Joys & Concerns Night – 04/02

Wednesday, April 2nd:

We are recording in the Sanctuary, so come on out to Rehearsal!  Stay to share your Joys & Concerns with your fellow musical prayer warriors!

Rehearsal Night – 04/09

Wednesday, April 9th,  

Come on out to rehearsal and stay a while!  Lots of great music to go through!  See you there!

Favorite Extended Rehearsal Night – 04/16

Wednesday, April 16th:

Please be ready to go at 7:00pm and be prepared for rehearsal to run late.  This is our final Wednesday night before Good Friday and we will be practicing with the orchestra!!

Please plan accordingly!

Favorite Maundy Thursday – 04/17

THURSDAY, April 17th
Service at 7:30pm


Join Rev. Jack Gibson and the Revelation Youth Choir Senior Classes of 2025 and 2026 for Maundy Thursday worship service.
The juniors & seniors will perform their traditional reenactment of the Last Supper.
This is a unique way for your whole family to experience the Last Supper and Holy Communion.

If you can’t make it in person –> Livestreaming will be available at crumc.org/livestream and on Facebook.


Favorite Good Friday – 04/18

FRIDAY, April 18th
Service at 7:30pm

The Chancel Choir is singing for this service. 

* Please be robed and ready by 7:00pm.

* There should be plenty of parking at the church.

* If you are helping to light candles in the Sanctuary, please be there at 6:30pm.