Favorite Sectionals – Tenors 10/23

Wednesday, October 23rd at 7:00pm

Tenor Sectional before choir practice (in room B-18)!

** Mark your calendars for the next TENOR Sectional date:
     November 26th (Tuesday!)

Favorite Sectionals – Bass 10/30

Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00pm

Bass Sectional before choir practice!

** Mark your calendars for the next BASS Sectional date:
     December 4th

Joys & Concerns Night – 11/06

Wednesday, November 6th:

Come on out to Rehearsal and stay to share your Joys & Concerns with your fellow musical prayer warriors!

Favorite Plano Community Band at ROBINSON – 11/10

SUNDAY, November 10th, 2:30pm

Our friends in The Plano Community Band are having a FREE INDOOR CONCERT at the Robinson Fine Arts Center in Plano! (Note: See map below! This is a different theater than you may be used to!!)

If you haven’t heard them, you should.  They are much much MUCH better than the “community” name may imply to you!  If you have heard them, then you know you want to hear them again!


This concert will be part of head conductor Joe Frank, Jr.’s Retirement Celebration.


Joe’s niece, Jennifer Frank Umana, will be the featured musician this year.

The board surprised Joe by setting up this special reunion with Jennifer.
She is an incredibly accomplished musician who is flying in for concert celebration.