Starting March 12th, rehearsals will start at 7:00pm with sectionals. This change will be through Easter. Please try to come earlier if you can. Thanks! … Continue reading

Favorite Current Mission – March 2025

Our Current Missions:

People Who Love People

  • In March we will be loving our neighbors with “People Who Love People”by providing protein packs to be handed out to our needy neighbors on March 27th at 7:10 am.

Weekend Protein Packs, at least SIXTY NEEDED – Protein packs are handed out on Thursdays, to help our friends through the weekend.

Take a gallon ziploc bag, add a bottle of water, then 4-6 protein items of your choice! Meat sticks, nuts, granola bars, fruit cups, crackers, etc. Non-perishable items only please.

Bring to the choir room by Sunday, March 23rd or deliver to Kristina Stacey, but please call to let her know when you are coming.


You can also sign up to serve on March 27th at 7:10am-7:40am in the parking lot in front of God’s Pantry located at 1896 K Avenue, Unit 200 (it’s on the east side of Avenue K at 19th St., across from the big fire station. There’s an O’Reilly Auto Parts store on the east side of Ave. K., and God’s Pantry is behind that and across 19th st.).

The sorting and serving only takes about 30 minutes or less.

CLICK HERE to Sign up on the Sign Up Genius to provide 1 or more protein packs and/or to help serve. We have committed to a total of 60 packs.

Questions? Contact Kristina Stacey at 214-762-1725 or


Also, People Who Love People always have a bin upstairs in the Mission area where you can drop off other needed items. Only men’s clothes are needed and must be sturdy and in good condition. Coats, blankets and toiletry items (especially lotion and individual Kleenex packages) are greatly appreciated.

Please bring these donations to the bins anytime. (Do NOT bring them to the choir room.)
Thank you for your generous support of CRUMC Missions and for always loving our neighbors as Jesus instructed.


Additional Mission Opportunities can be found on the site under Ministries / Missions!

Congratulations to our very own Tim Morrison!

On February 25, 2025, he was awarded with the “Soli Deo Gloria” (“To God Be the Glory”) award by the Perkins School of Theology at SMU. This award is given to alumni for “outstanding contributions to sacred music” and is only given out every 5 years.


(pictures by Tracy P. – taken on February 26, 2025 at choir rehearsal)



Some fun Tim Stats (as of Feb. 25, 2025):
  • Tim has gone on tours for 39 years – since 1986 – including this summer!
  • He has gone on 99 tours!!
  • He has taken over 5,000 people on the tours, consisting of 1500 people!

Drawing Night – 03/26

Wednesday, March 26th:

Come on out for Rehearsal AND…. grab a ticket for a cool Drawing!!

February 22, 2025 Service day with Bedstart

We had a wonderful service day with Bedstart! 17 choir members and spouses served our neighbors, picking up and delivering furniture on a Bedstart crew, as well as working on various projects at The Wheelhouse. Thanks so much to all who served!

(Picture provided by Kristina Stacey.)

Joys & Concerns Night – 04/02

Wednesday, April 2nd:

We are recording in the Sanctuary, so come on out to Rehearsal!  Stay to share your Joys & Concerns with your fellow musical prayer warriors!