Favorite Current Mission – January 2025

Our Current Missions:


The Plano Overnight Warming Station

We will collect new men’s socks and underwear for our neighbors experiencing homelessness from Jan. 8-22. When you can’t do laundry often, new undergarments are so appreciated!
Dark colors are best. Boxer Briefs in Large and Extra Large are preferred. Socks of all types and colors are needed.
These are to be dropped in the Choir Room!


People Who Love People

Also, People Who Love People always have a bin upstairs in the Mission area where you can drop off other needed items. Only men’s clothes are needed and must be sturdy and in good condition. Coats, blankets and toiletry items (especially lotion and individual Kleenex packages) are greatly appreciated.
Please bring these donations to the bins anytime. (Do NOT bring them to the choir room.)
Thank you for your generous support of CRUMC Missions and for always loving our neighbors as Jesus instructed.


Additional Mission Opportunities can be found on the crumc.org site under Ministries / Missions!